About Us
Chorder is an online guitar encyclopedia, music magazine and community of musicians. We strive to provide you with up-to-date information on Guitar specs, new guitar model releases and help you find the best deals on music gear across the web. Our goal is to provide you with a place to learn and enjoy, a world of most amazing musical instrument - guitar.
Website is owned by Orange Hill Agency, based in Belgrade, Serbia.
You can contact us at +381-64-167-7367, or drop us an email at [email protected].

Tihomir Opacic
Editor in Chief & Technology
Tihomir makes sure that Chorder's gears are well oiled, and are turning in the right direction. He loves coding while listening to metal. Tihomir resides in Belgrade, Serbia.

Bojan Garasevic
Although actually a drummer, Bojan has a lots of guitar hands-on-experience dating from the days he used to work at Belgrade Music Media Centar music store. Some say he can set-up your guitar blindolfed with his arms tied to his chest. Bojan is Sound and system engineer and resides in Belgrade, Serbia.

Miroslav Stankov
Editor & Writer
Miroslav keeps you in tune with guitar world news. Loves Japanese culture and Japanese guitars. Metal music, good books, and martial arts are also important parts of his life. Miroslav resides in Belgrade, Serbia.

Katarina Grbic
Graphics Processing & Editor
Katarina takes care about Chorder.com visual aspects, and privately takes care about pack of pets: Dogs, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Chinchillas... you name it - she loves it! Katarina resides in Belgrade, Serbia.